How to Optimize digital workflow? Clinical Decision-making with Osstell
Digital workflow in implant dentistry is common trend to increase clinical efficiency and patient expectance rates in daily practice. Although digital technology expands the possibilities in surgical aspect of implant dentistry the restorative decision on how and when to deliver immediate provisional restoration still maintained as challenging decision. This webinar will focus on how to utilize Osstell ISQ values on daily decision-making protocols for different clinical scenarios.
Digital workflow in implant dentistry is common trend to increase clinical efficiency and patient expectance rates in daily practice. Although digital technology expands the possibilities in surgical aspect of implant dentistry the restorative decision on how and when to deliver immediate provisional restoration still maintained as challenging decision. This webinar will focus on how to utilize Osstell ISQ values on daily decision-making protocols for different clinical scenarios.
Learning objectives:
How to utilize digital workflow with difference clinical indications?
Decision making criteria on when to proceed with immediate loading protocol.
How to read and interpret ISQ values in different clinical indications?
Understanding the ISQ values advantage in multidisciplinary busy clinic setting.