Biological Bone Augmentation & the Semilunar technique: Working with Real Bone
At the beginning of every implantological intervention – especially in compromised situations – there is the reconstruction of the intraoral bony defects.
For predictable and long-term stable results, the choice of the procedure and the implementation of the technique by the surgeon are of crucial importance. In the presented procedures, the Biological Bone Augmentation (BBA concept) and the Split bone block technique SBBT (according to Prof. Fouad Khoury) are presented, in which preferably the patient’s own and vital bone is used as the so-called “Gold standard”. The advantage lies in the osteoinductive and osteogenetic potency of the autologous bone. At the same time, innovative modifications as the Semilunar technique (SLT) are presented, which may represent a facilitation and simplification of the previous methods.
In this context, the careful, safe and at the same time time-saving harvesting of the bone as well as the safe reconstruction of the defects are discussed in particular.
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